Monday 25 June 2012

Good Lord, Has It Been This Long?

Ok, I have ten thousand good excuses and about fifteen pretty lame ones to explain why I haven't been blogging for nine months, and now its the end of Older Son's first year at school and I didn't write anything about it. Maybe the fact that I'm writing this at about four in the morning is a clue, another is the fact that I have a grand total of five followers and no comments, but maybe some day a parent will google a question about special education in England and they'll come across my posts, and maybe it will help somebody. Besides, I need to start keeping a good diary again anyway.

That being said, its another school day tomorrow and I need to get to bed. I WILL write more, because a whole mountain of stuff has been happening RE Older Son's assessment. We've just sent in the second request to the council for him to get help. More to follow.

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